The Importance of Upkeep

 Some things serve us so well every day but we forget to thank them for helping us live a nice and comfortable life.!!

We can do this in a few ways:
Say thanks
When you are aware of using something and grateful for it you could say a word of thanks.
Upkeep and clean them often enough
It's so important to clean and upkeep things. Which is why I have made it a habit to walk around the house to see if anything needs to be wiped clean or upkept. 
Cleaning and wiping something shows that you care for and love your display items and belongings. It also helps the items work better and helps us in the long run as we dont have to find ourselves in inconvenient situations that we are not ready for.

A word about cleaning
The job of cleaning is never-ending.
There is no perfect all-clean moment.

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